Start Now To Get That Dream Hospitality Role

As an end of year beckons, it’s a great time to take stock of your career and start the process of getting your dream job. Whether you are someone who is very proactive about their hospitality career or you have rested on laurels somewhat and coasted along for a while, make today the day you start taking the steps to that dream job in 2017.

Start Now To Get That Dream Hospitality Role

Take Stock

The first thing to do is to take stock. Where are you now? What sort of role are you in and are you happy with it? What do you like about it and what don’t you like about it? Do you really want to move? Once you sat down and asked yourself these questions and answered them honestly you should be in a position to start thinking about what you want.

What Do You Want?

Sometimes what you want and what you think you want are two different things. It’s great to be ambitious and want to work with the very best chefs and other hospitality professionals but do you have the work ethic and durability to cope? If so, great! Just as we work with Michelin Star restaurants here at West One, we work with other restaurants that may not be award winning but are just as exciting and dynamic to work in and can often provide better career progression and learning opportunities. Don’t be afraid of thinking out of the box with your job search.

How Are You Going to Get It?

Once you’ve identified what you want, it’s all about how you are going to get it. The first step should be to go to a good recruiter. Here at West One for example, we work with restaurants and hotels across London, from small, specialist establishments to award winners and global high class chains. We can help focus your job search and present you with suitable opportunities. We can also help to assess your CV, improve it and ensure that you are well prepped for any interviews or trial shifts.

Grab Those Opportunities

Once you’ve secured an interview or a trial shift, it’s now up to you!. If it really is that dream job, a role you would love to do then go out there and grab it with both hands. Prepare, prepare and prepare some more, dress smart and well and make sure you get it across to the interviewer how passionate you are about this role. There’s nothing better as a hiring manager than someone who gets across how passionate they are about securing a particular role.

West One’s Blog

West One is a boutique Catering and Hospitality recruiter offering permanent and temporary recruitment solutions to establishments across London and the South East England.

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